1. 碘值
碘值是指活性炭在0.02N 12/KL水溶液中吸附的碘的量。碘值与直径大于10A 的孔隙表面积相关联。
2,卡博特 B TEST EUR活性炭.丁烷值
丁烷值是饱和空气与丁烷在特定温度和特定的压力下通过炭床后,卡博特 B TEST EUR活性炭,每单位重量的活性炭吸附的丁烷数量。
活性炭的灰粉有两种,一种是表面灰粉,卡博特 B TEST EUR活性炭,另外一种是内在灰粉,平时说的活性炭的灰粉是指内在灰粉。

活性炭胶囊/片剂 活性炭作为一种光谱***剂和***成分,已被世界卫生组织列入基本***清单,其丰富的空隙可吸附消化道内***、代谢气体和易致胀气的消化物,有效缓解和***包括肠胃胀气、胃灼热、腹泻和呕吐等消化道不适症状。 NORIT® B TEST EUR 、 NORIT® B TEST USP、NORIT® B SUPRA EUR和NORIT® E SUPRA USP符合欧洲或美国药典要求,适合人体摄取,低剂量均具有极高的吸附能力,可用来生产制作活性炭胶囊、片剂或悬混液,用于消化道排毒、缓解不适和急性中毒的***剂。

Technical support is always close at hand. Our team of experts provides ongoing support in advising you on your specific application and treatment goals. Each team member is an expert who is committed to keeping your process running at optimum specifications and output levels. We provide our customers with a worldwide network of sales and service support including activated carbon manufacturing plants in Europe, North America and Latin America. We take our commitment to our customers very seriously. We are proud to work in partnership with you to provide our extensive technical expertise and the most choices in activated carbon. In turn, you can be assured of the best fit for your application, at an optimal price and performance.

文章来源地址: http://huanbao.chanpin818.com/xifuji/deta_3213570.html
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