脱除HPNA多环稠合芳烃 加氢裂化装置是石油炼化装置中的一个重要组成部分,在氢气和催化剂环境下将重油裂解成馏分油和汽油(如煤油、喷气燃料)。 UOP将HPNA定义为含7个苯环以上的多环稠合芳烃,具有高熔点、难溶解以及难以裂化的稳定性,由加氢裂化装置的副反应生成,形成于预精制段,NORIT RBHG4活性炭,裂化段未完全分解,易于聚集在加氢裂化分馏塔的循环油中。 如果不从系统中去除,HPNA多环稠合芳烃将在循环油中累积,继而附着于分子筛催化剂,使催化剂发生快速钝化,催化剂床层温度增加,重质产品量减少,同时还可能严重污染热交换器,致使空冷换热器结垢,换热效率下降,NORIT RBHG4活性炭。 UOP于1990年工业化应用活性炭吸附去除HPNA工艺,所有分馏塔底抽出的循环油均送入活性炭吸附单元,NORIT RBHG4活性炭,活性炭更换周期2~4月。 NORIT® GAC 830W和NORIT® PK1-3M活性炭作为通用型号,可***脱除循环油中的HPNA多环稠合芳烃,延长加氢裂化装置中高价值催化剂的使用寿命。
1. 碘值
碘值是指活性炭在0.02N 12/KL水溶液中吸附的碘的量。碘值与直径大于10A 的孔隙表面积相关联。
Norit 'leading in purification develops and applies state-of-the-art purification technologies to help society, through our clients, meet environmentalhealth, and safety challenges, and work towards a sustainable future. The Norit Group, headquartered in The Netherlands, supplies consumables, components, systems, and solutions, based on proprietary technology in every step of the water and beverage value chains More than 8 percent of the world's population -over half a billion people- already consumes water purified by Norit! Norit's activated carbon, membranes, pumps, aseptic and hygienic valves, carbon dioxide systems, and quality control equipment rank among the worId's best. Norit offers global coverage with research and development, engi neering, and manufacturing facilities In seven countries. A network of dedicated Norit sales and service enters, business partners, and distributors serves customers in more than 150 countries around the world
文章来源地址: http://huanbao.chanpin818.com/xifuji/deta_3192578.html
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